The Forth Valley free condom distribution scheme aims to promote and support the on-going delivery of the outcomes of the national Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Framework (2015 – 2020).
The service aims to provide free condoms across NHS Forth Valley to reduce sexual health inequalities in populations most vulnerable to poor sexual health outcomes.
The following populations have been defined as our priority groups:
- Young people under 26
- People who inject drugs
- People living with HIV or other BBVs
- Gay and bisexual men who have sex with men (GBMSM)
- Ethnic minority groups in particular those from sub Saharan Africa
- Prison population
- Sex industry workers
You can register with the Condon Distribution Scheme if you are working in Forth Valley, with any of the groups listed above, and would like to provide free condoms to your service users.
To register, please visit the Resources Service homepage and complete the registration option (top right of homepage), this will also enable you to access a range of health improvement materials.
Guidance is available to support staff distributing condoms to adults and young people:

This animated guide showing how to put a condom on can be used when discussing condom use with clients and service users.