
In addition to our services your Pharmacy or GP can provide free emergency contraception, treatment for genital thrush, free condoms and pregnancy tests. Your GP practice can also perform a cervical smear or organise testing for HIV, Hepatitis.

Clinics & Appointments

Location and appointment information for our clinics.

Young People Services

Sexual health services for young people in Forth Valley.

Testing & Treating STIs

If you think you have an infection we can arrange a test.

Contraception Information

Information on available methods of contraception.

Pregnancy & Abortion

Information about services and support.

Mpox Outbreak Vaccination

Information on the Mpox vaccine rollout.

Blood Borne Virus Testing

Testing for Hepatitis B, C and other BBVs.

Free Condoms By Post

Order free condoms in the Forth Valley area.

Condom Distribution Scheme

Available to organisations and agencies in Forth Valley

Priority Access Referral

Priority for those who may need additional support.

SX Support Service for Men

Information and support for men who have sex with men.

Other Websites & Service Providers

In addition to our services, we have collated a list of websites and other service providers you may find useful for the topics below. 

Callander Youth Project Trust

This offers a range of programmes including sexual health information and support for young people aged 13 to 18 in Callander and the surrounding area.

Sandyford Initiative

Sandyford provides a quality assured sexual health service across NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.  Sandyford provides information and help with all aspects of sexual, reproductive and emotional health.

Community Pharmacies in Forth Valley are based in the heart of communities, both urban and rural, are easily accessible by local people with many offering extended opening hours at evenings and weekends. Pharmacists and their staff are trained to offer consistent sexual health advice and information on contraception and sexually transmitted infections.

Many Community Pharmacies in Forth Valley are signed up to offer a Pharmacy Sexual Health and Emergency Hormonal Contraception Service (EHC).

Pharmacists use a Patient Group Direction (PGD) to supply Levonelle – 1500 within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse, or failure of contraceptive method, without a prescription. Free condoms, sexual health advice and pregnancy testing are also offered as part of this service, which is free for women aged 16-50 years.

For an up-to-date list of participating Pharmacies please contact the Primary Care Pharmacy Services Department Tel: 01786 431200 or click here

Posters and A5 flyers advertising the availability of the Pharmacy EHC service are available from HIRS Tel: 01786 434756 or the Primary Care Pharmacy Services Department on Tel: 01786 431200.

Brownlee Centre (out patient service), Gartnavel Hospital
Confidential information, advice, counselling and testing for HIV. Clinical service for the management/treatment of HIV & AIDS. Brownlee Centre
SX – Sexual Health & Wellbeing for Gay & Bisexual Men
SX is a Lothian-based service dedicated to improving the sex, health and wellbeing of gay and bisexual men, and all men who have sex with men. The community-based service provides information, advice and support on all aspects of men’s physical, mental and sexual health
HIV Scotland
The leading national policy and strategic HIV charity. The website provides information, news, advice and statistics as well as links to useful organisations and websites. HIV Scotland
National AIDS Trust (NAT)
An independent policy and campaigning voice on HIV/AIDS, working both in the UK and internationally. The website provides HIV/AIDS statistics, and information on a number of areas such as HIV testing and care, HIV prevention initiatives, challenging stigma and discrimination.
Positively UK
Peer lead support advocacy and information for men, women and young people living with HIV.
HIV-AIDS Carers & Family Service Provider Scotland
Provides a range of practical and emotional services to carers, families, partners, friends and relatives who are affected or diagnosed with by HIV or AIDS.
Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland (THT)
THT Scotland is part of the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity.  Provides a range of services for people living with HIV and the wider community.
Confident Families
Provides practical and emotional support to people in Scotland who are living with or are affected by HIV.  For details of local support visit the THT website.
Waverley Care
Scotland’s leading charity providing support and care to people living with HIV and Hepatitis C. Also offers prevention advice, education and testing.
Counselling Directory
Website offering a confidential service connecting individuals with qualified counsellors in the UK.

Scotland’s National Organisation for Bisexual  people and for those who think they may be bisexual.  Monthly meetings, social events and advocacy for bi pride and visibility.

Equality Network Scotland

The Equality Network is a leading national charity working for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights in Scotland.

Service for Gay and Bisexual Men in Forth Valley

SX provides support to all men who have sex with men including trans men in the NHS Forth Valley area and support to organisations in the NHS Forth Valley who work with men who have sex with men.

If you would like further information around the services you can contact  or visit

LGBT Centre for Health & Wellbeing

A unique community initiative that promotes the health, wellbeing and equality of LGBT people in Scotland.

LGBT Youth 

A national organisation supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people.

Parents Enquiry Scotland

Telephone support for parents/carers and families of LGBT children, run by parents of LGBT children.

Sandyford Initiative – Gender Identity Clinic

 A comprehensive gender identity service open to anyone looking for support around their gender identity or expression of their gender.

Scottish Transgender Alliance

Works to improve gender identity and gender reassignment equality, rights and inclusion in Scotland.

Steve Retson Project, Gay Men’s Sexual Health Service

A specialist sexual health service for gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men. Free and confidential. Consultation by appointment. Includes a rapid HIV finger prick testing service (results in 60 seconds).

LGBT Helpline Scotland

Confidential telephone counselling and support on a range of issues relating to sexual orientation, relationships and coming out.

Tel: 0300 123 2523

Open Tuesday & Wednesday between 12-9pm, and Thursday & Sunday between 1-6pm or find out more

Stonewall Scotland

Working to achieve legal equality and social justice for LGBT people. Provides advice, information and support. Also works with professionals to provide training and resources.

Mermaids UK

Mermaids supports transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children and young people until their 20th birthday, as well as their families and professionals involved in their care. They also offer web chat to support students up to the age of 25.

Homepage – Mermaids (

Andrology Clinic
Men with erectile dysfunction problems are seen at the Andrology Clinic which runs once a week. GP referrals should be directed to the Urology Department.
Falkirk Children’s Rights Service – Quarriers
Independent advice and information for young people about their rights and responsibilities.
Relationships Scotland – Couple Counselling Central Scotland
Relationship counselling and support for couples regardless of marital status or sexual orientation who are experiencing problems. Sexual relationship therapy for couples or individuals who are experiencing sexual difficulties/dysfunctions with either physical or emotional causes.
Anti-Bullying Support
Advice about bullying for children and young people is available from childline. Anti-bullying support to Scottish schools is now provided through respect me. Parentline scotland offers help for parents and families.
Sexual Problems Service – Sandyford Initiative
Sexual Problems Service 
Family Mediation Central
Family mediation central provides services across Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirling. Family Mediation – Relationships Scotland
The Meadows NHS Forth Valley

The Meadow brings together a number of services inclding experienced healthcare staff, specially trained police officers and other services which provide support for people who have experienced trauma. Find out more about The Meadows.

The Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service is also located in The Meadows and is a service for adults and children who have experienced sexual assault, rape or gender based violence.

If a person has been raped or sexually assaulted within the last 7 days and they do not want to tell the police or are unsure about telling them now – they can self-refer to a SARCS.

They  can phone 0800 148 88888, a dedicated NHS telephone number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and speak to a specially trained healthcare professional who can help to arrange the care you might need.  

More information can be found on the NHS Inform website

Aberlour Family Support Centre – Support for Families – Survivors of Trauma

Langlees can now offer a Service for survivors of trauma.  The purpose of this Service component is to challenge systemic patterns of behaviour and provide direct support to families who have been affected by abuse.  The key focus of this Service will be the provision of practical and emotional support to parents / carers who have been affected by abuse i.e. parent / carer survivors of abuse or non-abusing parents / carers of children who have suffered abuse. 

These provisions may include and are not limited to:

• 1:1 Support, Peer Support, Befriending.

• Parenting Support / Skills Development.

• Evidence based support packages such as ‘In My Shoes’.

If you would like further information regarding this service, or to make a referral, please don’t hesitate to contact the Family Support Centre on 0800 085 6150 or at,uk

Wellbeing Scotland

Provides holistic services for individuals and families whose life experiences have impacted negatively on their wellbeing.  They specialise in abuse and trauma work.

Scottish Women’s Aid

Provides support, assistance and advocacy for women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse. Temporary accommodation for women with and without children.  The Website provides details of local centres within Forth Valley.

Domestic Abuse Helpline tel: 0800 027 1234 (24 hrs)

Sandyford Centre Archway Service

The Archway Service is for men and women who have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last 7 days. Sensitive support, physical examination and counselling for men and women

Archway (

Relationships Scotland – Couple Counselling Central Scotland

Relationship counselling and support for couples regardless of marital status or sexual orientation who are experiencing problems. Sexual relationship therapy for couples or individuals who are experiencing sexual difficulties/dysfunctions with either physical or emotional causes.

Counselling service available within Forth Valley

Men’s Advice Line

A confidential helpline offering support, information and practical advice to men experiencing domestic violence and abuse in either heterosexual or same sex relationships.

Victim Support Scotland

The lead voluntary organisation in Scotland helping people affected by crime. The service offers free and confidential emotional and practical assistance as well as information about the criminal justice system. Visit the website for details of local services.

British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS)

Offers private care in relation to reproductive choice. Services include abortion provision and care, contraception, emergency contraception, male and female sterilisation, counselling and support.

Family Planning Association (FPA)

A sexual health charity that provides straight forward information, advice and support on sexual health and relationships to everyone in the UK.

Fertility UK

Provides instruction/counselling in Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning (NFP) for women/couples. Also offers accredited training and support for health professionals.

For local practitioners visit the website

Healthy Respect

Information on sexual health and relationships for young people, parents and professionals.


Advice and support for young people, incluiding support for sexual health issues,puberty bullying, including homophobic bullying, family issues, mental health and abuse 

British Association for Sexual Health & HIV (BASHH)

A lead professional organisation dealing with all aspects of sexual health care.  Membership is open to all those working in sexual health related fields. Also provides information for the public.


Provides news, information, research, progress, treatment options and multi-lingual resources for people living and working with HIV.

Scottish Child Law Centre

Free legal advice and information on Scots Law for and about children and young people. Available to children, young families, carers and external organisations.

Children First

Scotland’s national children’s charity. Offers practical advice and support in difficult times. Supports survivors of abuse, neglect and other traumatic events in childhood to recover.

Parentline Scotland

A free, confidential helpline for parents and carers run by the NSPCC. Offers parents and carers the opportunity to talk through worries, problems and concerns.

Family Mediation services (Relationships Scotland)

 Provides local support for parents and children to help them cope with family change and disruption to to separation and divorce.

Falkirk Children’s Rights Service

This service is there to help all children and young people aged up to 19 understand their rights and responsibilities. (get help in your area section)

Stirling Women’s Aid – Children and Young Peoples Outreach Service

The outreach worker provides support for children and young people aged 18 and under who are affected directly or indirectly from domestic abuse and who have not been in refuge or received follow on support. Referrals are taken from schools, social work, health, police and from young people themselves.  (young peoples section)

Anti-Bullying Network

Advice about bullying for children and young people is available from childline.

Anti-bullying support to Scottish schools is now provided through respect me.

Parentline scotland offers help for parents and families.

Scottish Child Law Centre

Free legal advice and information on Scots Law for and about children and young people. Available to children, young families, carers and external organisations.

LGBT Youth Scotland

A national organisation supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people.

Young People at Sandyford

Specialist sexual health services for people under the age of 18. 

Young People (

Childline Scotland

Help and support for children and young people.

Lothian Sexual Health

Provides a full range of sexual and reproductive services including specialist services.

Sandyford Initiative

Sandyford provides a quality assured sexual health service across NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.  Sandyford provides information and help with all aspects of sexual, reproductive and emotional health.

Steve Retson Project, Gay Men’s Sexual Health Service (Sandyford)

STI testing, treatment, counselling. Same day HIV testing and results, advice and information.

Young People @ Sandyford Clinics

A wide range of sexual health services for young people up to the age of 20. 

Young People (

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